Hey all, long time reader but first time poster looking for advice!
Today, I received a gas bill for the amount of $4000.00! It was quite a shock because since I moved into the property, I haven’t received a single gas bill. I moved into the property around 3 years ago and when I moved in, was advised by the landlord that the only utility account I would need to set up is an electricity account. I set up the electricity account on the day I moved in and when bills for it arrived, they were paid promptly with no issues.
In regards to the gas bill, it had a due date of 04/07/2014 on it but the date of issue on the bill was 06/08/2014 (over a month after the due date). I promptly called ACTEWAGL and spoke to a consultant who advised me that the bill is for the charges going back to the the time I moved in. I advised that not only have I not received a single gas bill before this one, I don’t have any gas services at my home (it’s all electric).
However, he did advise the water is gas heated. He could not explain why I had not received any bills until now (you would think collections would call me or it would get shut off…), he did not explain why the date of issue was after the due date, he did not explain why gas for a quarter was $530.00 (I live by myself). I advised I would investigate and call back.
I called my landlord to discuss but since it’s Friday, they were out of the office.
Has this happened to anyone else and can anyone provide any advice on how to proceed? I am obviously worried about my credit since I can imagine that many “unpaid bills” would destroy it, I am also worried that I haven’t received any gas bills in 3 years, if I do somehow pay this bill – how can I get assurance that this won’t happen again? Also, the ACTEWAGL letter did not even have my name, it just said “Dear Customer” on it.
Any advice is much appreciated.