To all those that sat idly, awash with BS from the Chief Minister and his buddy-buddy proponents’ of the gas-fired power station and data centre… The issue’s not with the data centre, it’s the huge natural-gas fired jet turbines and their more than 3 million tonnes of output a year and what that contains for Canberra!
Here’s a graph of the small particle pollution measured at Monash. We already blow the maximums, so why not add a polluting gas-fired power station on top? Slowly gasing the electorate so eventually you won’t have a need for consultation as they’ll all be gone. In case you missed it, PM 2.5 is very bad for you, triggering Asthma, Cancer and other niceties.
This info from a bunch of crackpots? No, from Dr James Markos (Respiratory Physician, Chairman of the Tasmanian Branch of the Australian Lung Foundation), Dr Dorothy L Robinson (Armidale Air Quality Group) and Dr Chris Klootwijk (Honorary Visiting Fellow of the Research School of Earth Science at the Australian National University).
NEPM (National Environment Protection Measures) maximum is 25 micrograms per cubic metre and a maximum of 5 days exceeding of this level a year is dangerous. So, how about 14 days in 2004 and 2005, 19 days in 2006 and climbing. Great – let’s stick that power station in the mix, after all it’s all “just pollution”.