7 March 2007

Gazza calls for a ban on smoking in cars

| johnboy
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When I saw the ABC headline “Senator calls for car smoking ban” I thought to myself, hullo, Kate Lundy has crawled out from under that rock she’s been hiding under.

Imagine my surprise to discover it is the so-called Liberal Gary Humphries who wants to further regulate your behaviour.

It is unclear from the article if he plans it to be just when kids are in the car or a blanket ban. Also unclear is how he plans to enforce this additional impost to your liberties.

UPDATED: In his media release Gary makes clear he’s just talking about smoking in cars with children, something few people are in favour of but no word on his plans to have police kick down the doors of parents failing to read to their children.

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queen_vic_toria_II10:20 am 07 Mar 07

Well Johnboy, of course you can believe everything the ABC tells you, and maybe before posting you would be wise to look for more information, the release is dated on the website as 6th March, so I can only believe that it was available yesterday.

The point here is not social legislation, it is legislating much the same as under age drinking and smoking, just against passive smoking in confined areas with children. Exposing them to drugs that they shouldn’t be exposed to, this has nothing to do with legislating against fast food ads etc… I think you are going a little too far.

At least Gazza is coming out and telling us what he thinks, that can’t be said about Lundy who is nowhere to be seen except when her union mates want her to say something!

wouldnt it be easier just to have some form of social engineering adsvertising campaign, than to ‘ban’ and ‘legislate’ ?

i doubt this canard to attack smokers actually occurs.

softhead fascist social engineers just taking away more of your rights.

I was “purporting” based on the ABC article which was clearly cited.

If Gary was competent enough to put his media release online when he was talking to the media then there would have been no issue so I suggest you take your beef to him.

Now onto this idea of individual freedom which Liberals use to allow their business mates to do whatever they want but show scant interest in the rest of the time.

While banning smoking in cars with kids are we also going to ban smoking in front of them in the home? How about fatty and sugary foods? Not reading to them at bedtime?

As noted above the parents smoking with kids in the car are no doubt committing any number of other sins against their children, but hey what’s a little bit of liberty compared to looking like Right On Man in an election year?

queen_vic_toria_II9:25 am 07 Mar 07

This is the link [Use links or go into the moderation queue]

It clearly states that it is a ban on smoking while children are present in the car… so anyone who has a problem with that is clearly out of their minds.

Read the release… it dispells the issues that johnboy purports earlier.

Reap: figurative receive (a reward or benefit) as a consequence of one’s own or other people’s actions

Seems appropriate.

the blantant rape of mother earth? As opposed to a V8 with more grunt? whats next? naplam being good for the natives in Nth Vietnam?

I’ve heard they refigerate those poor little bulbs to make them flower on time.

Now that’s just unwarranted cruelty.

VYBerlinaV8 now_with_added grunt2:30 pm 06 Mar 07

Yeah, it’s probably not the end of the world. 😉

A flower show in the middle of a city is blatant rape of mother earth? Riiiiiiiighhhhht.

VYBerlinaV8 now_with_added grunt2:23 pm 06 Mar 07

Don’t speak to me of Floriade – that blatant rape of mother earth sickens my soul.

actually the ACT makes a killing reaping NSW cash every year when the grannies come in to look at Floriade mate.

VYBerlinaV8 now_with_added grunt1:46 pm 06 Mar 07

“This is the first possible opportunity that the ACT Government has to reap some revenue from NSW residents. “

Reap, or rape?

Maybe they could be integrated with speed cameras

Speaking of speed cameras, I see the Government has installed a fixed one at the intersection of Hindmarsh drive and Canberra Avenue in Fyshwick.

This is the first possible opportunity that the ACT Government has to reap some revenue from NSW residents.

no changing the station on the radio

Unless you have steering-wheel mounted controls, which increasingly larger numbers of new cars do.

VYBerlinaV8 now_with_added grunt1:28 pm 06 Mar 07

Perhaps we need smoking cameras installed around our fine city. Maybe they could be integrated with speed cameras, then we’d be doubly safe.

> Don’t worry, the government will look after you so don’t make a decision.

Oh…get your hand off it (your ciggie that is..hehe). It’s hardly a shock. Smoking will be ever more regulated as the years go by. Get used to it, or better still….give up.

It’s the kiddies smoking in the backseats of cars that worry me.

> as if smokers are that irresponsible around kids.

Errr…well, yes. A large number of them really are.

Even when I was a smoker, I’d always reserve a nasty look & perhaps a few choice words for drivers I saw smoking WITH THEIR CHILDREN IN THE CAR. Seriously, that is pathetic human behaviour.

In winter, they’ll often even have the windows up, occupied baby seat in the back, puffing away. Absolute scum.

this whole issue is a beatup.

as if smokers are that irresponsible around kids.

most smokers leave their own homes and smoke in their backyards.

typical anti-smoking zealots fanning yet more bigotry.

josh keep holding your breath. please. dont exhale.

im off for a cool refreshing laramie…

Smoking around children is just not on…..anywhere. I don’t view it as a civil liberties issue, just one of showing respect to fellow humans. If you demand the right to smoke in an enclosed space with children…..you’re a selfish idiot.

I dare say that the effects of the smoke itself would be far less detrimental than those of being raised by someone who would actually commit such a callous act, yet there seems nothing we can do about *that* particular problem. :/

no changing the station on the radio

how about we ban smoking altogether? and no, that’s not a sarcastic claim. smokers can rot in their unbreathable atmosphere.

note: opinion only, don’t get up on your high horse. blah blah, i know it’s your choice. i’d still like to be able to walk down a street one day and not have to hold my breath because of smokers. whatever it takes..

perhaps while driving, you can use your mobile phone to call police and alert them to someone smoking in their car.

Why not just make it illegal to be involved in any activity — while driving a car — that ties up the use of one or more arm.

Or more simply, you must have both arms available at all times to perform the operations required to drive a motor vehicle.

No mobile phone use, no eating, no smoking, no drinking coffee.

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