The ACT Government today signalled that it is planning to crack down on the misuse of disabled parking spaces.
During a 2017-18 ACT Budget media conference, Chief Minister Andrew Barr said there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that mobility parking permits are being traded and passed around.
“If you’re using a disability parking spot and you’re not entitled to it then you would be breaking the law,” Mr Barr said this afternoon.
“There are people who really shouldn’t be utilising those permits who are doing so. Part of our work here will be to ensure there is greater compliance around the issuance and maintenance of those particular permits,” he said.
“I think we would all agree that ensuring the integrity around the use of those permits and the limited available disabled parking spots should be of concern to the community – is of concern to the community – and the Government will be responding.”
The 2017-18 ACT Budget papers include a ‘fairer revenue’ item under the Justice and Community Safety Directorate which states that the Government will increase the penalty for the misuse of a mobility parking permit.
“Incorrect use of these permits is unfair to genuine permit-holders, undermines the effective operation of car parks and costs the community revenue,” the Budget Outlook paper states.
“This initiative is a first step in signalling the Government’s intention to tighten compliance by monitoring this concession and reviewing its operation.”
Do you think people are using disabled car parks when they shouldn’t be? Are you aware of permits being passed around? If you are a mobility parking permit holder, do you find it difficult to get a parking space? Please let us know in the comments below.