The Greens’ Caroline Le Couteur has expressed her displeasure at Chiefly backsliding over building an off-road cycle path on the Majura Parkway.
On 22 August 2011, Chief Minister Kay Gallagher said ‘as part of the Majura Parkway project a separate cycle path will be constructed off road’*. But plans for the project, currently under tender, only include an on-road cycle lane and do not include the promised path for cyclists.
“The Greens are concerned the new Majura Parkway, with its record-breaking price tag, will do nothing to promote cycling in our city, despite previous Government promises,” said Caroline Le Couteur MLA, ACT Greens Active Transport Spokesperson.
“How can the Government expect to reach its own targets for increased cycling in Canberra, not to mention our emissions targets, when we spend so much on roads without providing attractive options for cyclists?
“We need to make it safe and easy for people to choose to ride. That means providing cycleways that are physically protected from motor traffic along major routes, and Majura is definitely a major route, connecting Canberra’s South to its growing North.”
“For most people, riding next to freight trucks going 100 kilometres an hour along the Parkway is just not going to be an option.