Back in September I wrote about the quality (or lack of it) in our nursing homes and the appalling treatment the Federal Government was meting out to residents of those homes.
I was particularly concerned with the complaints mechanisms. They were and are totally inadequate. The feds have abrogated their responsibility for the quality of care in these facilities and now have sunken to even lower depths.
You know, the really vulnerable people in high care residential nursing homes facilities are often suffering from underlying conditions which require care that can’t be delivered in an ordinary home environment, no matter how dedicated family members are. It just ain’t possible.
I talked about some of the horrible stories about these homes and I refer rioters to that blog on 22 September for refreshment.
I am concerned on two levels.
The first is the latest attack from this caring government. They are planning to downsize the complaints mechanism and asking the residents or their rellies to work it out with the nursing home facility. Self-regulation does not work here.
Then they are saying that they want to change the accreditation period from three years to five years. This means that facilities are only audited once every five years! Hello! What part of that is a good idea?
This means that if one has a substandard facility, it will only have its accreditation challenged when sufficient complaints come in, which have been adjudicated on by the facility itself. This works for me! Not!
The second is that people without relatives in aged care facilities don’t give a monkey’s about the issue. The issue is not sexy enough for some. Well, it would be if you had to watch your rellie receive substandard service and couldn’t do anything about it. Or if you are not as young as you once were and might end up in residential care soon yourself.
It is only when bedsores become rampant, when sickness becomes a hospital issue or when there is an unexplained death that people start to take notice.
Not good enough, guys.
Everyone should take an interest in this crisis because crisis it is. What does the compassionate federal government think they are doing?
I don’t care about what they think they’re doing. I know that they are putting the quality of life and lives themselves in jeopardy, that’s what.