Finally all the many nerds of Gungahlin will be able to download bootleg Andromeda episodes at the speeds they deserve!
Katy Gallagher has announced that the Northern periphery will be an “early implementation area” for the National Broadband Network.
The announcement by NBN Co of a contractor paves the way for the rollout of the Network to nine of the 19 NBN Second Release sites, including Gungahlin in the ACT. This announcement puts Gungahlin at the front end of the National Broadband Network implementation around Australia.
“It is good news for the people of Gungahlin and indeed the Territory. The benefits of a high speed fibre-based network are broad ranging extending from household and small business applications to health, education and environmental management.
Maybe if the information superhighway is sufficiently impressive they can forgo the twice daily queues on the normal highways to exit and enter the area?