When I came into work yesterday and heard this my first thought was that two people are lucky to be breathing today. Basically a ACT policeman assisting NSW police after a chase crossed over into their jurisdiction was “allegedly” attacked by an offender with a tomahawk with the officer suffering a deep laceration to his hand and a blow to the head. That sort of weapon could have easily taken his hand off. A clean blow to his head would have been the end of him.
The “alleged” offender on the other hand is lucky he wasn’t shot.
ED – Special G also posted the following in relation to the same incident:
Canberra’s Finest [Tomohawk Mayhem!]
It was reported on the TV yesterday of a pursuit which ended in Queanbeyan and an AFP officer being injured with cuts to head and hand.
After being attacked by an offender wielding a Tomahawk and a Knife the officer still chased down the offender and apprehended him with the assistance of his partner and NSW Police.
Love your work.