29 August 2017

Having your say in the ACT

| Kiriel
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Having your say

“Participatory democracy” is all the rage nowadays. Citizen juries, national surveys, and of course the awesome community of the RiotACT are all examples of ways in which the average punter can have a say in what is going on in the world around us.

But I think it is worth sharing as a specific article, the opportunities that the ACT Government are providing for people in the ACT to have their say about some of what is being discussed, considered and developed in our region.

At the time of writing this article, opportunities for comment include these subjects:

  • The future of Haig Park
  • The future of education
  • Tharwa draft village plan
  • Rideshare reform
  • Draft migratory bird species action plan
  • housing strategy
  • Hughes shops artwork consultations
  • Reducing gaming machine authorisations
  • Compulsory third party insurance
  • Bet limits on casino gaming machines
  • Provisional registration of Barton Highway road cut
  • Feedback on last year’s Budget consultation process

You probably don’t care about all of these, but you may well care about some, and I congratulate the ACT Government on giving us the chance to tell them what we think (and by the way no I don’t work for them). I really hope that in coming years, whoever is in government will continue to seek the community’s opinion and maybe even expand it further.

If you are interested in having your say, go to the ACT engagement projects website.

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