Well it’s nearly Anzac Day and I’ve been faithfully informed that this historic milestone also marks the first day of the year that I can wear my wooly sheepskin boots down to Woolies without being labelled a sook (well, ‘sook’ wasn’t the word used, but I couldn’t find the word he used in the Oxford, and Roget’s didn’t stock a decent synonym either). But alas, my footy woollen friends have seen better days.
Last year there was a fantastic place on Tennant St in Fysho where my better half picked up a cut-to-size pair of uggies for a decent price (<<$100), however this place has disappeared and my tiled floors aren’t getting any warmer.
Where in Canberra (and/or surrounds) can I pick up a good pair of ugg boots??? I don’t care for the brand per se, I just want to know where the best uggies are. Has the dude from Tennant St moved elsewhere? Should I go to Goulburn and kick a merino and hope it sticks?
Canberra, my pedal extremities thank you.