16 May 2012

How do you rate Katy Gallagher's first year?

| johnboy
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Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun?

Chief Minister Katy Gallagher’s been in the big chair for a year now.

How do you rate it?

Katy Gallagher's first year

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shirty_bear said :

She’s got the same problem as Gillard – driven by reaction and constantly focussed on saying the right thing politically, as opposed to having a vision and pursuing it. Rudderless.

Vision = public art, arboretum, etc.
Better that she stays as she is without the “vision” ’cause we can’t afford another “Jon” Quixote.


Also amazed to see Hargreaves is still an MLA – although his website on the ACT Labor homepage doesn’t work (www.johnhargreaves.com.au) Hardly surprising.

Stanhope threw her the “hospital pass” (well, I thought it was funny)

Mysteryman said :

The bar was set ridiculously low by her predecessor. As such, her first year went to expectations.

Along with Very Busy I think this about sums it up.

bitzermaloney1:47 pm 17 May 12

shirty_bear said :

She’s got the same problem as Gillard – driven by reaction and constantly focussed on saying the right thing politically, as opposed to having a vision and pursuing it. Rudderless.

Don’t you mean RUDDless?

bitzermaloney1:46 pm 17 May 12

Mysteryman said :

The bar was set ridiculously low by her predecessor. As such, her first year went to expectations.

+ 1

Judging by her photo in the crimes recently it appears to have aged her considerably also.


She’s got the same problem as Gillard – driven by reaction and constantly focussed on saying the right thing politically, as opposed to having a vision and pursuing it. Rudderless.

Madam Cholet8:26 am 17 May 12

I think that cracks have started to appear. She’s not as relaxed as Stanhope and I think has a tendencey to act first, think later. It may just be me, but I feel that the opposition has gained a bit of tractionr recently through things like the over-spending on infrastructure, overtime debalces, etc – and if that’s happening then it must be Labor losing their grip – couldn’t possibly be the opposition lifting their game! Could just be the passage of time though.

I hope #4 Very Busy missed WIN news last night – I walked in while Katy was getting some free publicity – spellbound I stood and watched (can not help liking Katy) while one of the WIN newspuppies mentioned a certain issue of numbers at a local hospital which Katy promptly and competently cross-batted for six – end of that silly stuff.
While standing there I idly turned a page on yesterdays Canberra Times – yes top management still buys the b thing. Some references to a “cranky” predecessor – praise from the Green’s – it’s all happening.
There on page 2 is a nice prominent photo and article about Katy – Labor media hounds must have been busy.
Across on the top left of page 2 I noticed –
ACT coffers slide $174m into the red

Which reminded me to wonder where we were with –
ACT’s $1b blowout – 22 Dec, 2011
where it says –
The territory’s unfunded liabilities have blown out by more than $1 billion in the past two years as borrowing to fund Actew’s expenditure on big water projects continues.

Mysteryman said :

The bar was set ridiculously low by her predecessor. As such, her first year went to expectations.

This sums it up for me too.

She doesn’t seem to get herself on the tele as much as Stanhope did. This is good! My heart rate is more constant, my blood doesn’t boil as much and the rate of wear on the TV remote has slowed.

I voted that the year has gone according to expectations, but I have to admit that my expectations were very, very low.

My wife used to know Katy. We bumped into her in the street a few times years ago, and they chatted. She seems like a nice lady. But niceness, management expertise and plolitical ability aren’t necessarily correlated.

I don’t follow politics at all, but I saw her at the Mothers Day classic with her daughter. Seemed to have good running shoes.

The bar was set ridiculously low by her predecessor. As such, her first year went to expectations.

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