Well tommorrow (today by the time most of you get to it) is the National Community Day of Protest (NCDP) against the proposed changes to Industrial Relations laws.
I don’t propose to debate the pros and cons extensively here (the Chamber of Commerce tellingly is keen, which indicates it is a step towards their long sought after slavery).
What is interesting, however, is the counterintuitive legalities being deployed by both the Government and the CPSU in trying to manipulate the size of the protests.
We covered the start of this last week but now loadedog has more.
Personally I regard taking sick leave if I’m not sick as fraud. But I don’t see why annual leave or flex can’t be used by free people in a free society wishing to associate freely.
UPDATED: Loadedog has more on the seemingly underhand tactics being used to keep Public Servants at their desks.\
FURTHER UPDATE: A little bird tells me DIMIA have issued a directive to dock the pay of everyone who attended today’s rally, despite them having pre-approved
ANOTHER UPDATE: A different bird brough word that DEH staff were directed not to take the day off unless they had a specific reason, other than attending the rally. Also AFFA staff were simply denied leave for today, even rec leave.
I think we can say, regardless of one’s views on the IR laws, that the Government has behaved immorally here.