There is little in this world as sad as Government and politicians trying to tap into the zeitgeist. Be it school kids bussed in for government organised “flashmobs” in the name of awareness raising, or “poetry slams” in public libraries with no booze of scoring.
But to that sad, sorry list of flabby failure the ACT ALP, via YouTube has added a stunning new low. It’s a totally unreadable Hitler Parody just like it’s 2006 all over again.
As is often the case with these things guys, brevity is the soul of wit.
UPDATE 21/11/12 10:30: We’ve had this in the comments:
#7 I live in Macgregor
Dear Johnboy and RA readers, please accept this apology. A team member was “experimenting” with Youtube last night and now deeply regrets not understanding this technology as well as one should before “experimenting”. It was not intended as a public post and any offence made to anyone, including fans of the original movie and subsequent parodies (of much better quality, in spelling and humour) is regretted. They have made an unqualified apology.
Elias Hallaj
aka ACT Secretary