Strategic Psychology clinical psychologist Nesh Nikolic shares some tips on creating a mental health toolbox. Photo: Rohan Thomson.
How can you create a set of tools to manage and maintain positive mental health? Hear from Clinical Psychologist Nesh Nikolic of Strategic Psychology on how to create a mental health toolbox.
1. Moving your body. Nesh recommends regularly moving your body – not just in terms of exercise but also being active and engaged in daily life.
3. Prioritise sleep. Having a bad night’s sleep can be detrimental to your overall wellbeing, and this applies to your mental health too. “It’s important to get six to eight hours of sleep every day,” Nesh says.
3. Remove toxins from your diet, both physical and social. “Whether it be sugar, processed foods, drugs or alcohol, removing these substances from your diet can help to promote your mental health. Similarly, Nesh says “reducing social toxins such as making unrealistic comparisons with others or being involved in negative gossiping can improve your psychological wellbeing”.
4. Surround yourself with good people.Surround yourself with supportive, positive, and nurturing people, and equally try to be supportive to the people in your life. “It’s important that we’re connected because we’re social beings,” Nesh says.
5. Practice meaningful acts. Think about “what are things you can do that are meaningful, worthwhile and that bring vibrancy to your life and those you care about?”.
6. Practise self-compassion. It’s important to be kind to yourself and nurture yourself so you have an opportunity to grow. “It’s okay not to be perfect all the time,” Nesh says.