Chief Minister Gallagher is asking for your thoughts on how to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the 2003 fires in the centenary year:
“I visited the Bushfire Memorial in Weston Creek this morning to pay my respects to those who lost their lives and the thousands more among us who were affected in some way,” Ms Gallagher said.
“The 18th of January remains a difficult one for many in the Canberra community and I think all of us can remember exactly what we were doing back on that hot, windy January day in 2003,” the Chief Minister said.
“Everyone in Canberra knows someone who was affected by the firestorm.It was a time in our city’s short history where we were challenged by the force of nature and where the people of Canberra rose to that challenge and worked together to support those who had lost loved ones, homes, animals and possessions.
“Nine years on there are those who will still struggle to deal with the horrors of that day and the memories that come with it. My heart goes out to each and every one of those people, particularly to the families and friends of those who lost their lives.
“At the same time I am proud of the way we, as a community, have supported each other in those difficult days, weeks, months and years of recovery and rebuilding.
“Today, I am asking Canberrans to consider how we should mark this important occasion, to commemorate what must go down as the worst day in our city’s 99 year history,” the Chief Minister said.
Suggestions can be posted on the ‘Time to Talk’ website (http://timetotalk.act.gov.au/), by calling Canberra Connect on 132281 or via Twitter to @actcomms
Your thoughts dear readers?
[Photo Courtesy Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license]