[First filed: Jun 2, 2010 @ 10:15]

Simon Corbell is calling for comments on a draft Outdoor Café Policy.
“The principles in the policy maintain that outdoor cafes should be integrated with existing adequate clearances and allow convenient access for all,” Mr Corbell said.
“The Government does, however, acknowledge the importance of using public spaces for café and restaurant owners and this will be a major point of consideration during the consultation process.
So how do you feel about the alienation of the commons if it means you can get a big breakfast and a mediocre coffee?
The consultation ends on 25 June you can send submissions to:
Policy and Community Relations
GPO Box 158
02 6207 7889
UPDATE: The Liberals’ Vicki Dunne is not a fan of the draft:
After fighting for years for al fresco café dining in Canberra, Gus Petersilka would be turning in his grave over Simon Corbell’s draft policy for outdoor cafés, according to Shadow Attorney-General, Vicki Dunne.
“Far from celebrating the activity of outdoor eating, a proposed requirement for outdoor furniture design, the draft policy does little more than plunge café owners into an abyss of bureaucratic bunkum,” Mrs Dunne said.
“This draft policy potentially has the ability to stifle any chance of a cosmopolitan atmosphere for Canberra’s dining options and social life because compliance with the myriad new rules will be just too hard for small businesses.