Now for the important debates of the day!
My wife and I were recently refused entry to Hoyts Belconnen for the heinous crime of carrying delicious take-away Muffin Break coffees into the cinemas. Apparently the condition of not allowing any food or drink from external sources has always been a policy of the cinema – but has only been enforced over the last month, and of course there is no extra signage or such explaining the sudden change in heart.
My pleas that the caffeine was required to stay awake during Mr Jackson’s latest masterpiece were unceremoniously ignored by the teenage attendant, and subsequently the teenage manager, leading to a refund and a quick drive into Civic Dendy where we received no such rubbish.
Whilst I respect the business owners rights to enforce whatever policy they dream up what do Rioters think about this in the age of digital delivery? At the very least let this post serve to give you warning to brush up your food-smuggling skills/techniques or save up for that 80 inch tele in JB.