On Saturday 08-APR-06 we did the Civic Public Art Walking Tour and lived to tell the tale.
And so, I present to you item # 19, The Master’s Voice by Sonia Leber and David Chesworth. It’s on City Walk up from Akuna Street, outside the Canberra Centre.
![The Master's Voice - by Sonia Leber and David Chesworth](http://www.johnboy.nerdvana.net.au/images/publicart/themastersvoice.jpg)
The guide says:
People walking past a low concrete wall
in City Walk trigger the unexpected
real-world sounds of people talking to
animals. With the sounds of the animals
edited out, the voices seem to be calling
out directly to the passersby: beckoning,
controlling and coaxing.
In this commercial and government
precinct, this artwork is not so much
about the nature of the park but about
the relationship of ‘citizens’ to their ‘civic
Again, eerily prescient. It’s a stained barrier filled with a broken mechanism.
Got an image in, or of Canberra you want to share with the world? Email it to johnboy@the-riotact.com