On Saturday 08-APR-06 we did the Civic Public Art Walking Tour and lived to tell the tale.
And so, I present to you item # 28, Father and Son, by John Downie. It’s in Garema Place
![Father and Son - by John Downie](http://www.johnboy.nerdvana.net.au/images/publicart/fatherson.jpg)
The guide says:
This artwork was presented to the people
of Canberra by the Hon. Alex Downer in
memory of his father Sir John Downer.
Originally installed in 1964, Father and Son
was restored and relocated in Garema
Place with a new marble base in 1986.
It’s worth noting that the “Hon. Alex Downer” was Sir “Alec” Downer, the father of the current Minister for Foreign affairs. Sir John is the Downer the inner-north suburb is named after.
Got an image in, or of Canberra you want to share with the world? Email it to johnboy@the-riotact.com