RiotACT is now under new ownership and management. The site has been bought by a small group of local business people keen to see RiotACT survive and thrive. Before they make any changes or adjustments to the site, they have asked to hear from you, the community who make RiotACT what it is.
As many of you are aware, thanks to recent posts over the sale, there will be a need for change in order to keep the site on its feet, balancing your needs as rioters with those basic needs of business.
The owners would like to hear from you. If you would like to be part of this change and have your voice heard, please complete the survey – link below.
Change will have to happen. We accept that can be hard for some to stomach, but have your say. We will listen. That’s not to say everything you say will stick, but we can guarantee we will listen. Once we have compiled your thoughts and added our own, we will share the headlines and give you an idea of where our priorities are.
We hope to make the changes something you are happy to see and hopefully bring you back to RiotACT if you have been away.
Complete RiotACT User Survey – click here.
Please note: we want to capture and collate all feedback prior to next steps, so will not be publishing comments against this post. If you have any comments or feedback, please complete the survey.