![in canberra tonight](http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-BwZRWUGmQE4/UW5UXyVC9hI/AAAAAAABEFI/1-IlKz457pg/s600/image%2520%25285%2529dassdffdsfds.jpeg)
There’s a new local variety show kicking off at the O’Connor Polish Club tomorrow night.
It’s so awesome they’re even getting us to do a segment on local news which will feature all of you (in a way).
Here’s the details as received from Maestro Chris Endrey:
In Canberra Tonight is a spanking new live variety show to celebrate and play with life in our fair town. On offer will be theatrics; comedy; live music; interviews with geniuses; and of course, interviews with idiots.
Where else could this Frankenstein’s monster of wonderful be held, but at the the White Eagle Polish Club, the peak embodiment of Canberran culture. So, keep aside the third Thursday of each month, and if you’ve a talent, story or important life lesson, do get in touch!
Cheeky host Chris Endrey (Fun Machine) has a burning desire to cast the money-changers from our entertainment temple and create the space for a quality forum we can all be proud of. Teaming up with co-director star, Meg ‘megababe’ O’Connell (2XX FM, ANU Arts Revue) and a smattering of the best talents in town, all that’s left for this show to be a winner is for you to turn up and laugh/cry/love.
April’s line-up STARS:
CJ Bowerbird
Melanie Tait
Simon Sheikh
Tom Harwood
Satyros Comedy Societyalongside our resident STARS:
Nick Byrne
Pablo Latona
House Rats house band – Sam King, Bec Taylor, Nick Peddle, Alec Coulson… and whatever your tastes, it’ll certainly beat the migraine of commercial television.
Tickets are $20/15/10 and available at: http://www.trybooking.com/Booking/BookingEventSummary.aspx?eid=47641
We’re not-for-profit and would already be dead but for the support from the CMC; CIT; and April’s Caravan.