Simon Corbell is trumpeting the success of his first industry consultation session for the planned “ACT Solar Facility”.
- “”Thirty-eight registrants attended the Industry Consultation Session, held this morning, which marks the first formal step in the procurement process,” he said.
“I am very encouraged by the strong level of interest from industry in establishing a large scale solar power facility in the ACT. The ACT Government is strongly committed to investing in renewable energy and in making the ACT the solar capital. Our interest in establishing a solar power facility received a boost when a feasibility study undertaken last year indicated that a solar power facility was feasible in the ACT,” Mr Corbell said.
“Following this study, the ACT Government took steps to test the market to ensure it received the widest range of proposals possible. The Government has also pledged $30 million towards the construction of a solar power facility.”
The Government was seeking to employ commercially proven technology and was not committed to any particular technology or operating model at this stage.
“The Government has indicated it is seeking proposals for the development and implementation of a facility with a minimum capacity of 80,000 megawatt hours per annum which would produce enough power for at least 10,000 homes in the ACT,” Mr Corbell said.”