The Insatiable Banalities Podcast Number 36 is now online. It features Mr. Hugo Kelly the day before he was sacked by Crikey (more on that here).
It also features the music of The Plastic Constellations by their very kind permission. Personally I think they’re the hottest act on the planet right now.
Track list:
Phoenix and the Fault Line. 8:19
Ghost in the House. 18:06
Sancho Panza. 30:45
Bring What You Bring. 46:14
I’ll be updating the feed this evening for those waiting for podcatchers to collect it.
The feed, for podcatching software, is here. iTunes users can just search the iTunes Music Store for “canberra” (and look through the sparse pickings for “Insatiable Banalities”), or, if the mood takes you “insatiable”.
(Incidentally if the existing iTunes users could switch over to the music store feed it’d really help us out)
The file is hosted by Nerdvana, so it goes like a greased weasel.