22 September 2008

Install Fest for Software Freedom Day

| Loquaciousness
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Further to my earlier post about Software Freedom Day, I would just like to remind you all that the Install Fest is happening this Saturday at the ANU (CSIT building – Room N101). Bring your computer and any peripherals you want set up. Weโ€™ll provide the software and get you up and running. If you just want to have a chat about Free and Open Source software, and didn’t get along to the computer fair on the weekend, feel free to just come and ask questions too.

Johnboy – feel free to bring along the dual quad core beastie … I’m sure we’d all love to have a play ๐Ÿ˜‰ [ED – that’s a DUAL quad core beastie! But we seem to be moving along OK with it]

We also have a few Open Disc CDs still available. You can download the contents of the disc here, or you can email the Canberra Linux Users Group at linux@lists.samba.org and we’ll get one to you direct.

Thanks to all those who showed up on Saturday – the day was resounding success. Hopefully it will be even bigger and better next year!

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Loquaciousness8:52 am 25 Sep 08

Davo111 said :

I’ve got another mate keen. What time is it starting/ending?
thanks in advance.

Hi Davo – Starts at 10am and goes through until 3pm.


I’ve got another mate keen. What time is it starting/ending?
thanks in advance.

Cheers, keep an eye out for the bright red XPS and introduce yourself ๐Ÿ™‚

Loquaciousness7:15 pm 22 Sep 08

Davo111 said :

hmmm i’m quite curious about installing Ubuntu on my new laptop. I think i’ll head down ๐Ÿ™‚

Don’t forget your machine. Might catch you there ๐Ÿ™‚


hmmm i’m quite curious about installing Ubuntu on my new laptop. I think i’ll head down ๐Ÿ™‚

luke.downing1:09 pm 22 Sep 08

Great idea, hope the weather comes up nice. Will be a good day!

really enjoyed the day, and the CD – works fine on a mac running parallels and win xp.

win xp set about installing several of the utilities, and there haven’t been any probs since. there was a g4 mac at one of the other stalls for $145.00 – was very tempted to buy it….

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