Just thought I would post this up to see everyones opinion.
On X-mas eve – I had a sore throat – and I fought it off and felt fine the next day.
This happened a few nights in a row.
On boxing day and the day after I was running myself ragged in Sydney and came home on Wednesday.
Thursday I got the beginnings of a pretty bad chest infection – and only just today the symptoms are clearing and im hacking up a lot of junk.
This was quite unusual for me – as I rarely get sick – but on speaking to others – it seems that Canberra is in the midst of a chest infection epidemic.
I was quite happy to be recovering – but then this morning I woke up with my eyes glued shut (conjunctivitus).
So pretty much for the whole festive period – I have been feeling a bit off colour.
Apparently this happens on holidays a lot because people are so highly strung @ work that once getting time off – the body relaxes and becomes suceptible to infection.
Whats everyone elses experiences thusfar ?
Hope I am 100% by my annual leave time in 2 weeks.