5 November 2015

Is the World Health Organisation telling 'porkies'?

| Marcus Paul
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Bacon and egg roll

Well, another day another new report suggesting yet another food group is going to kill us all! The assertion overnight from the World Health Organisation that processed meats like bacon and sausages cause cancer, and red meats probably do too – will have butchers around the globe in a panic. It’s silly, alarmist and above all else probably not aimed at the average consumer who understands the word ‘moderation’.

The new research garnered from experts from 20 countries looking at cancer causing foods concluded that each 50 gram portion of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18 per cent.

The key word here is ‘daily’.

There is little doubt western countries are in the midst of an obesity epidemic, and if the announcement today goes some way to fighting this statistic then that’s all good and well. However, a general branding of ‘all red meat causes cancer’ and other alarmist headlines today needs to be put into context.

What needs to be remembered is the experts determined that red meat is “probably carcinogenic to humans” based on “limited evidence” it causes cancer.

The report also classifies processed meats, like bacon and sausages, as a Group 1 carcinogen based on “sufficient evidence” they cause bowel cancer.

Speaking on radio this morning Australian Agricultural Minister Barnaby Joyce said the idea that sausages could be labelled as lethal as cigarettes was ridiculous.

“No it shouldn’t be compared to cigarettes and obviously that makes the whole thing a farce – comparing sausages to cigarettes … “I don’t think that we should get too excited that if you have a sausage you’re going to die of bowel cancer because you’re not.

“A lot of people to be honest don’t eat two slices of bacon a day, they don’t have bacon everyday and I think the biggest thing is to make sure you get a balanced diet.”

Exactly. Moderation is the key.

What is frightening though is the potential impact these kind of reports might have on industries involved in processing meats. After all, the Minister says if we followed the WHO advice on everything, we’d all be living in caves.







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Please, more headline puns! Makes Riotact more like a “real” news outlet! : )

dungfungus said :

rubaiyat said :

“What is frightening though is the potential impact these kind of reports might have on industries involved in processing meats. After all, the Minister says if we followed the WHO advice on everything, we’d all be living in caves.”

And if we ignored everything we’d be all living in abattoirs.

Ah reasoned logic, you’d almost think it caused cancer the way people avoid it.

Cave space will be scarce when all you warmists take to the hills.
Hey, isn’t WHO part of that other peddler of fairy tales, the IPCC?

Yeah, those guys that faked the moon landing! And I’m sure I saw Elvis sitting in a traffic jam on Northbourne Avenue this morning.

Holden Caulfield said :

rosscoact said :

It would appear that Mr Joyce and WHO are pretty much aligned. There has been much misrepresentation and lazy reporting around what WHO actually said and what lead them to say it.

Yep, the snippets I heard had the media types screaming death, destruction and the end of the world as we know it, while the experts talking about the report were at pains to explain the risks were only extreme if consumption of processed meat and red meat were well beyond what would be considered normal or balanced.

Virginia Trioli on ABC breakfast TV was unusually OTT about it. Or maybe she was just trying to be wacky; because morning TV?!

I don’t think Italians like Vitrioli will be banning Parma ham and Sopressa salami anytime soon.

Holden Caulfield8:03 am 29 Oct 15

rosscoact said :

It would appear that Mr Joyce and WHO are pretty much aligned. There has been much misrepresentation and lazy reporting around what WHO actually said and what lead them to say it.

Yep, the snippets I heard had the media types screaming death, destruction and the end of the world as we know it, while the experts talking about the report were at pains to explain the risks were only extreme if consumption of processed meat and red meat were well beyond what would be considered normal or balanced.

Virginia Trioli on ABC breakfast TV was unusually OTT about it. Or maybe she was just trying to be wacky; because morning TV?!

Grimm said :

I’ll risk colon cancer over being an annoying vegan.

Vegans don’t live forever, it only seems that way.

Do we have an announcement yet on Canberra’s Chief I’m Not a Scientist But…?

So many candidates, it will make the final choice an extremely difficult one.

I’ll risk colon cancer over being an annoying vegan.

rubaiyat said :

“What is frightening though is the potential impact these kind of reports might have on industries involved in processing meats. After all, the Minister says if we followed the WHO advice on everything, we’d all be living in caves.”

And if we ignored everything we’d be all living in abattoirs.

Ah reasoned logic, you’d almost think it caused cancer the way people avoid it.

Cave space will be scarce when all you warmists take to the hills.
Hey, isn’t WHO part of that other peddler of fairy tales, the IPCC?

John Moulis said :

A lot of people being sucked in by this. Yesterday morning I heard a radio announcer say to a caller who phoned asking why people who had eaten meat all their lives didn’t have cancer that, yes people were getting cancer from eating meat, they just hadn’t linked it to meat before. He compared it to smoking saying that in the past people were getting cancer, they just hadn’t linked it to smoking. With that kind of wobbly logic it isn’t surprising that this nonsense is being taken seriously.

Who funds WHO?

HenryBG said :

rubaiyat said :

…if we ignored everything we’d be all living in abattoirs.

Ah reasoned logic, you’d almost think it caused cancer the way people avoid it.

Er, what?

How could we all live in abattoirs? By definition, an abattoir is an example of specialisation that *reduces* exposure to slaughtering from the individual members of the population it services.

Maybe you need to up your protein intake a bit…?


“*reduces* exposure to slaughtering from the individual members of the population it services…..”
Not in some counties where the kitchen table suffices and the animal suffers a lot.

Dreadnaught19054:58 pm 28 Oct 15

janoski said :

Where’d you get that bacon and egg roll looks amazing!

At a guess, given the boards, the style of bacon and egg roll and the non-sugar natural sweetener on the table – I’d say ONA in Fyshwick.

Guess what else is also silly and alarmist: blaming the source of a credible scientific review (WHO) for the sensationalist reporting and exaggerated reaction of media and commentators like yourself.

If you don’t like the facts as they find them, fine. But don’t blame them for providing you with the facts.

You know what would be really bad: if they knew for many years that something may cause cancer and did not ever tell us. Now that would be something for you to get your kickers in a knot about.

unless you gnaw the flesh off the carcass of the slaughtered beast, all meat is processed.

It would appear that Mr Joyce and WHO are pretty much aligned. There has been much misrepresentation and lazy reporting around what WHO actually said and what lead them to say it.

Levels of risk are based on evidence and as Maya123 pointed out, the actual research and information dates back decades.

rubaiyat said :

…if we ignored everything we’d be all living in abattoirs.

Ah reasoned logic, you’d almost think it caused cancer the way people avoid it.

Er, what?

How could we all live in abattoirs? By definition, an abattoir is an example of specialisation that *reduces* exposure to slaughtering from the individual members of the population it services.

Maybe you need to up your protein intake a bit…?


MERC600 said :

What can’t cause you strife these days. Seem to remember years ago that burnt toast, would toast you.

Here’s a link ( from the ABC no less ) how even Tofu can bowl you over

So until they start selling me me bacon n egg roll in a health wrapper like cigarette packet , I’m not stoppin’..

Is it a coincidence that bacon and egg rolls are banned in most of the world’s trouble-spots?

A lot of people being sucked in by this. Yesterday morning I heard a radio announcer say to a caller who phoned asking why people who had eaten meat all their lives didn’t have cancer that, yes people were getting cancer from eating meat, they just hadn’t linked it to meat before. He compared it to smoking saying that in the past people were getting cancer, they just hadn’t linked it to smoking. With that kind of wobbly logic it isn’t surprising that this nonsense is being taken seriously.

Where’d you get that bacon and egg roll looks amazing!

“Sleep gives you cancer.” – Neil, Young Ones.

How are we managing, in the First World anyway, to be living longer than at any time in human history, I don’t know.

” processed meats like bacon and sausages cause cancer”
That’s old information.

“What is frightening though is the potential impact these kind of reports might have on industries involved in processing meats. After all, the Minister says if we followed the WHO advice on everything, we’d all be living in caves.”

And if we ignored everything we’d be all living in abattoirs.

Ah reasoned logic, you’d almost think it caused cancer the way people avoid it.

What can’t cause you strife these days. Seem to remember years ago that burnt toast, would toast you.

Here’s a link ( from the ABC no less ) how even Tofu can bowl you over

So until they start selling me me bacon n egg roll in a health wrapper like cigarette packet , I’m not stoppin’..

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