As winter rolls in, Abode – The Apartment Hotel is rolling out some great packages.
This year we were very proud to become a sponsor of The Canberra Raiders so it is only fitting that we allow you to stay while the Raiders play! That’s right, you can stay at Abode Gungahlin or Abode Tuggeranong on any weekend that the Canberra Raiders are playing a home game and receive 2 complimentary passes to the game. Room rates start from $144 for a studio apartment at Gungahlin and $149 for a studio apartment at Abode Tuggeranong. To book this great offer, phone 1300 1 22633 and quote the code ABRA2013.
For those who are looking for something a bit slower paced but just as eventful, the beautiful Glorious Days exhibition at the National Museum of Australia could be just want you’re looking for. Until 13 October 2013, Abode Gungahlin and Abode Tuggeranong are offering the Abode Glorious Days Package, inclusive of:
- • Accommodation for two people in a king suite
• Free parking
• Late checkout (12pm)
• Bottle of sparkling wine on arrival
• 2 x tickets to the Glorious Days: Australia 1913 exhibition
There is no better way to celebrate Canberra’s centenary than a retrospective look at Australia’s wonderful history so make sure you don’t miss out. To book, visit abodehotels.com.au.
Abode – The Apartment Hotel is perfect for the business traveller, couples, families or those simply looking for a night away from home in a stylish apartment hotel.
For further information about Abode – The Apartment Hotel and more great offers, abodehotels.com.au.