We may have kicked back over the long weekend, but bad parking never rests.
If you should see some bad parking while out and about, grab your camera and send some shots to images@the-riotact.com.
Be sure to include the word parking in the subject and let us know what name you’d like us to credit you with.
1. Krystjann is the first cab off the rank today:
This lady decided that she’s old and can park where she wants to.
The silver car to the left is mine and took 3 attempts to get out and all the time the owner of red car stood there watching me to make sure I didn’t hit her car.. If looks could kill, that’s all I can say.
2. Larryo follows up with this little number:
Childers Street next to the Street Theatre. Two cars parked on the exit/access area on Friday night locking another vehicle into a parking area which had four available spaces.
3. Matt gets a two hit combo!
4. CC hid in a tree to get us this:
Parked in a No Stopping zone a good 20mins, no occupants in sight.
5. Bill is our NSW correspondent:
Canberra spread their bad parking further afield during the long weekend. The tiguan in the photo was sighted in Leura NSW. He parked in the stop those tourist shuttles use and went and coffee.
6. James spots some bad ‘stopping’:
Well not parking, more like stopping. This car stopped and sat there until the lights changed even though the vehicle behind it reversed to make space.
7. Martlark keeps it simple:
Belconnen markets, Sunday evening.
8. Piglet caught this stinker:
Jamison car park, so many free spots around but had to stuff this up!
9. PPTVB closes this week’s chapter:
This gem is for the parking nazis and grammar nazis.
While it was in Young, NSW, (last Saturday), it is an A.C.T vehicle.In their defence, the whole main street was parked this badly.