So, let’s get this right? The Labor Party, particularly in NSW, wrote the rulebook around jobs for the boys. For rewarding faithful servants of the cause with sinecures overseas or jobs for life on massive salaries.
Really? Hmmmm! What about the latest of a round of huge gifts to the faithful from our benevolent Liberal Party nationally?
We all remember Sophie Mirabella, from Wangaratta, being given a plum job producing submarines the Government won’t buy! Like, if she was from Holbrook, where there are some subs, it would make some sense!
In a very short space of time, that pillar of virtue, George Brandis appoints Janet Albrechtsen to the National Museum Council on a salary of $20,480 (for what, one might ask, attending about four meetings a year?)
Add to this one, former Nats pollie Paul Neville to the Board of the National Film and Sound Archives (after denuding it of funds).
And now former senator and ACT Chief Minister, Gary Humphries is appointed to the AAT as Deputy President on $445,000 a year. Of course, Gary is a lawyer, and is a former Attorney General. But I don’t know that he practised as a lawyer all that much.
I am in the wrong Party!
It was Gary Humphries who appointed Terry Connolly to the Master’s job, not Labor. It was Labor which appointed Liberal Bill Stefaniak to the ACAT here in the ACT.
Hey guys, I’m still waiting! It seems as though Labor doesn’t give out the sweets as inherently as the Liberals do. It must be in the Libs’ DNA.
But get this, pollie watchers!
Zed does Gary over in the preselection and nicks his Senate seat. Gary adopts a hate and wait stance. Along comes St George Brandis and makes a quasi-judicial officer out of Gary. Zed (the lawyer also) presumably knew about the appointment of Gary to a job which carries the same tenure only with a salary twice as much as his!
Then Gary resigns in effect, from the Libs. This is the right thing to do to maintain the and to remove the suggestion of bias; an admirable thing to do.
And finally, Gary delivers a sermon from on high to the Zed acolytes accusing them of the very thing the NSW Labor Party is supposed to be doing. Dead people on the membership list indeed!
If you can’t round ‘em up, dig ‘em up!
Keep it up, guys, I’m loving it!
And for those who want to give me a belt over Simon Corbell’s appointment of Jon Stanhope to the Legal Aid Commission, Jon’s honorarium is $18,300 against Gary’s $445,000 a year. A part time job in your area of expertise is different to Albrechtsen’s Christmas pressie in that Jon has form, good form.