22 September 2007

Johnny Oshana to stand trial on Internet grooming charges

| KevinPepper
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The ABC news online is reporting that a man, 43 year old Johnny Oshana of Quenbeyan faced the ACT magistrates court again today (Friday 21 September 2007). Oshana stands accused of using internet instant messenging services to groom young teenage girls in both Canberra and NSW for underaged sex. Magistrate Karen Fryar refused another bail application from Oshana citing tremendous concern over the explicit nature of the alledged conversations and that Oshana approached the girls in a public place. The court heard evidence against Oshana is substantial. Oshana remains in custody and will stand trial next month in the supreme court.

Full story on ABC online: Man to stand trial over internet teen ‘grooming’

The case has been reported previously in the Canberra Times and is likely to be in tomorrow’s paper.

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