7 May 2013

Joy Burch lays out the NDIS

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ACT Minister for Disability Joy Burch has revealed the funding details for the National Disability Scheme.

By 2019-20, the ACT Government will provide about $167 million a year to the cost of care and support for people with disability in the ACT through DisabilityCare Australia. This will be 49 per cent of the cost of the ACT scheme, consistent with the full scheme agreement reached between the Commonwealth and NSW.

By 2019-20, the Commonwealth Government will contribute around $175 million to the scheme for ACT residents. In addition, the Commonwealth will cover the full cost of people who turn 65 and choose to remain in the scheme.

It continues:

“Under the Project Agreement the total investment from ACT and Commonwealth Governments from July 2013 to July 2015 will be $16 million. The ACT Government will contribute $5.5 million and the Commonwealth Government will contribute $10.6 million.”

• $9.3 million dollars in Enhanced Services that will prepare eligible Canberrans for choice and control under DisabilityCare; and
• $6.8 million dollars in programs to support people with disability, their families and providers to get ready for DisabilityCare.

The $9.3 million dollars will be invested in:
• One-off grants to eligible people in the ACT to access supports which will improve their quality of life and independence, while also providing a break for their families.
• Recruitment of Individual Planners who will support people with disability and their families to plan and manage their individual grants under the Enhanced Service Offer.
• The development of a Mobile Evening Service in the ACT.

The $6.8 million dollars will be invested in:
• Programs and support for people with disability and their families to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by choice and control under an Disability Care Australia; and
• Helping providers to prepare for the changes this will bring.

The full statement is available here.

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Where does this leave all the (unpaid) community volunteers that are currently assisting?
Will they be forced to get appropriate qualifications from TAFE, join a union and be paid?
I have my doubts that Disability Care needs all the infrastructure it claims.
There have also been claims by the government that there are 410,000 disabled people in wheelchairs in Australia. Where is the proof of this?
I think this well meaning venture is going to end in tears and empty wallets.

This is lovely, although I think “choice and control” requires more than just a few extra dollars being handed out.

I can’t say I have seen a huge stream of people entering the profession of disability support worker and so it seems likely that the choice will be to take what you can get or go without, which is pretty much the situation as it is now.

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