Senator Lundy has taken a minute out of her busy cheerleading schedule to announce the opening of upgrades to the Monaro Highway:
Senator for the ACT Kate Lundy today welcomed the opening of the Monaro Highway upgrade between Canberra Avenue and Newcastle Street in Fyshwick.
The Gillard Government provided $18.5 million in funding as part of our Nation Building Program to duplicate 1.5 kilometres of the highway and improve Canberra’s transport network.
“The vital upgrade links motorists travelling on the Monaro Highway to the ACT’s road infrastructure network and will significantly improve traffic flow,” Senator Lundy said.
“Drivers on our roads will now be able to more efficiently travel to the airport and commuters will enjoy a smoother run.
“The upgrade is a win for Canberrans – it enhances our road network by linking the north and south to help motorist move around our city more easily.”
The Gillard Government has invested a record $252 million to improve vital infrastructure in the ACT.