On Gininderra Drive there are keep left unless over taking signs west bound going up the hill just before the intersection with Gungahlin Drive and east bound just past the intersection with Kingsford Smith Drive.
Under the road rules keep left unless overtaking applies on roads with a speed limit greater than 80km/h or where signs as described above are seen. In relation to the signs the road rules say that it applies:
Rule 130
(3) A keep left unless overtaking sign on a multi-lane road applies to the length of road beginning at the sign and ending at the nearest of the following:
(a) an end keep left unless overtaking sign on the road;
(b) a traffic sign or road marking on the road that indicates that the road is no longer a multi-lane road;
(c) if the road ends at a T–intersection or dead end — the end of the road.
So the way I read that keep left applies more or less between Kingsford Smith Drive and Moat Street. Now of course no one every obeys this rule, but I find it odd that the whole stretch is considered under the rules to be a keep left unless overtaking road zone, but it only has signs at each end. How are those that enter from the numerous sides roads meant to know.
ACT government should either remove the signs, or put up repeater signs after each intersection and of course enforce the rule is the latter was done.