To all the lycra clad cyclists [up to 20 of you] on Lady Denman Dr. at the dam wall 0600-0630 every blxxdy morning…..get off the narrow 70km/h road and ride on the taxpayer funded cycleway provided on your right and left! You might believe you’re an Olympian athlete in the making, but training for this can be done in a safer environment than a busy motorway where cars have to either brake suddenly, cross over double white lines, veer into oncoming traffic or just stop and abuse you for your inconsiderate behaviour. All of this occurs at a time of day when into the rising sun you decide to ride a meter into in the vehicular lane, in non-reflective clothing, whilst a cycle lane is available….on Cotter Rd.
How can a person dob in bad behaviour by a cyclist, when you can’t stop and talk to them and they haven’t got an identifying mark? Should I do a citizen’s arrest????? Help someone before I commit cyclicide!
Anyone else feel like I do. I’m sure there are, all those traveling with me every morning. C’MON, speak up before we all end up doing 25km/h at the mercy of these temporary Australians.