Simon Corbell, nevermind being in caretaker moder, nevermind that a parliament cannot bind its successors, is laying out his energy plan for the ACT to the year 2020.
“The ACT Labor Government is committed to delivering significant reductions in our carbon emissions with a 40% reduction on 1990 levels, by 2020, and carbon neutrality by 2060, and now I am pleased to detail how we will achieve these targets,” Mr Corbell said.
The key areas of reduction in carbon emissions contained in the climate change strategy include:
— 218,000 tonnes of carbon emissions reduced from the residential sector through increased energy efficiency; restrictions on installations of high emission hot water heaters, continuation of the ACTSmart programs and collaboration with local tertiary education institutions to trial new technologies to produce and store energy;
— 181,000 tonnes reduction in the commercial sector through the possible expansion of the energy efficiency scheme to large businesses and buildings as well as a heating and cooling load map to encourage private investment in low-carbon energy networks;
— 138,000 tonnes reductions through the implementation of the transport for Canberra strategy which will increase public transport frequency to encourage people out of their private vehicles; and
— 1,471,000 tonnes reduction through the deployment of large-scale renewable energy including solar and wind power.