After a recent trip to Denmark I thought I would take up learning the Danish language as a hobby.. and because you can’t get a job at Legoland unless you speak Danish.
Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find anywhere in Canberra that teaches it!
I called up CIT looking for short courses and Danish isn’t available.. a fact which was confirmed by a recent flier I received in the mail.
I just got off the phone to the Danish Embassy and the closest recommendation they could provide was 700+ kilometers away in Melbourne… my other alternative was to join the Danish expat club in Canberra.. but I wasn’t sure a single visit for less than a week made me eligible.
So… do any rioters learn Danish in Canberra and are you willing to share your contacts for learning the language of Lego?
P.S. I am aware there is Legoland in several english speaking countries.. it’s not the same.