Just when you thought they were done making an honest smoker’s pub-going experience more difficult, the ACT government has decided they want to tighten restrictions on smoking at licensed venues.
“The ACT Government’s proposal for tighter restrictions on smoking at licensed venues has divided Canberra’s hospitality industry.
Licensed Clubs support the idea of smokers only being allowed to smoke in outside areas not serviced by staff. ”
The AHA is fuming, of course.
“Steven Fanner from the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) believes patrons will not be so accepting.
He says the current indoor ban goes far enough to protect people from passive smoking.
“Further restrictions would see more smokers move out onto the streets and onto the footpaths away from the venue which would increase noise congestion and butt litter,” he said.”
Basically, I think the whole thing is stupid. People go to pubs to do unhealthy things anyway – why should they worry about passive smoke? Don’t spend your bloody life in a pub and you won’t get cancer from passive smoke.
Link: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/02/14/2163020.htm