Recently the constabulary have been very active in these parts. They (or their supporters) have suggested that anyone who’s ever been to Gorman House is a criminal with an opinion undeserving of consideration, that asking questions of policing is “anti-police”, that a care for civil liberties indicates a desire to shield alleged pedophiles from the full weight of the law.
I’ll admit I was surprised by these ignorant, thuggish, and prejudiced views coming from a sector we expect so much from.
But then I had a revelation!
Our intelligent and perspicacious constabulary could never expect such crude and intimidatory tactics to have any effect. Therefore these noxious postings must be for another reason. I can only assume that they too are as concerned as I am, and wish to goad this website into further examination of the issues.
It’s OK boys. I get your message. I understand how deeply concerned you must have been to ensure that RiotACT doesn’t let up on these important issues.
I won’t let you down!