31 August 2007

Molonglo - coming soon

| Kramer
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The Canberra Times reports that plans for the new Molonglo town centre will be relased today. The new town centre will have 15 suburbs, the first will be North Weston. So what will the naming convention be for the new suburbs? More prime ministers? Will we see a Whitlam, Gorton, Keating or Howard?? Through ACTPLA you can nominate someone to have a suburb or street named after them. Welcome to the new suburb of Kramer!

On a more serious note, there are loud complaints from farmers whose land will be reclaimed by the ACT govt for the new town centre. They will lose their livelihood, but is this acceptable when they are on leasehold land? I guess this happened to the orginal farmers in the ACT when Lake Burley Griffin and the parliamentry triangle was created in the middle of a sheep paddock.

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VYBerlinaV8 now_with_added grunt8:13 am 04 Sep 07

Maybe we could call one of the new suburbs Hemmaroo…

People from Amaroo are known as Amaroids.

The area would be known as Downstown Canberra.

Will the locals be known as Molongoloids?

VYBerlinaV8 now_with_added grunt9:54 pm 01 Sep 07

Currently have about 730sqm, and paid 92k in 2001 – I can’t belive the wife and I agonised over whether the ‘nicer’ block we bought was worth an extra 5k over similar ones on the same suburb!! The more I see the less I like about these new suburbs (except for investment purposes)…

I wonder if Deb Foskey is going to seek a govvie in the new suburb so she can tell it like it is in the Assembly, for the people, from the leech.

Again, my only recommendation to the trolls that read this site on behalf of the ACT Government is to put in a dual lane road BEFORE construction begins.

I’m sure the residents of ‘Howard’ and ‘Stanhope’ and ‘Corbell heights’ aren’t going to appreciate their footpaths being cut down at a later date to put in the road that should have been built before the suburb went in.

It’ll avoid most of the problems we call the Gungahlin Drive Extension as well.

250sq/m!!! Hell, my current block is 960sq/m and it cost my family $85,000 in 96. I guess that settles it for me. Might take 20minutes to drive to Civic, but at least I have room for a house AND garden.
Hope they offer some bigger ones. AND at a reasonable price.

VYBerlinaV8 now_with_added grunt7:29 pm 31 Aug 07

Not excited enough to shift from my current palace. Still, location IS everything…

The joke was a suburb dedicated to promoting the liberals. And given the recent spending spree on advertsing, I bet they wouldn’t rule out buy a whole suburb as an advertisement. But if it were Rudd and Labour acting so irresponsibly with taxpayer funds for its own agenda, I would make the same insult kimba. Also, I think there probably a few hundred Howard streets. It is a common name.

Yess Tinker

“there is NO Rudd Street in Canberra”

Actually, isn’t there a Rudd St in west Civic?

Gungahlin Al5:36 pm 31 Aug 07

VY: sounds like I need your income. That was $600K house and land less than 600 sq m BTW. Still excited?

VYBerlinaV8 now_with_added grunt5:19 pm 31 Aug 07

Your own home is not something I’d consider as an investment, purely because it doesn’t generate income. But 600k for a block doesn’t seem too bad (provided I get at least 1000sqm). Is the guvvie housing area going to be called 120Y?

Gungahlin Al5:08 pm 31 Aug 07

Latest releases in Dunlop (further out than Harrison) are around $30K more per block than we paid at Harrison just 12 months ago.

No matter what good intentions are behind the ramped-up land releases, the LDA has been milking everything they can out of the under-supply situation in the meantime.
They are also doing an increasing proportion of the sales via auction to force “the market” up even further…
So VY, set aside about $600K for your investment.

Maybe we need a Stripper St in a suburb of Rudd then????

asp is as usual behind the times. We already have a Howard Street in Torrens and a Costello Crt in Calwell. asp will be devastated to learn that there is NO Rudd Street in Canberra. But Rudd always follows Howard’s ‘way’ anyway.

It’s going to (eventually) be almost as big as Belconnen, so I’m sure there will be a mix of block sizes, much like Gunghalin now.

“Well we got a nice house in P76, but the kids school is over the road in 180B.”

“Seriously, though, for a nice sized block of land 7km from the city, I’d be willing to pay a bit to build a nice home.”
I quite agree, though the key words there are “nice sized”.
Does anyone acually know what and how much of this release will be zoned for what. Because if it is more stuff like those pokey townhouses in Bonython near the ACTEW depot with streets that would challenge somene driving a shopping trolley, then no deal.

Yeah, not boding well, is it?

“Seriously, though, for a nice sized block of land 7km from the city, I’d be willing to pay a bit to build a nice home.”

I bet they’ll end up looking like those pokie little blocks out at Gunghalin!

How about Torana, Falcon, Cortina, Commodore, Kingswood, Belmont etc?

Although I guess real Aussie legends like P76 don’t work so well as suburb names, do they?

VYBerlinaV8 now_with_added grunt2:55 pm 31 Aug 07

Let’s call the new suburbs names like Westin, McLaughlin, etc.

Seriously, though, for a nice sized block of land 7km from the city, I’d be willing to pay a bit to build a nice home.

How about the suburbs Abbot and Costello divided by Union Stooge Drive?

I would like to see the suburbs of Keating & Howard right next to each other. Would be great to see the effect of suburb name on the land prices etc 🙂

Hawke of course would require a massive pub, but might be a tad confusing with Hawker already around.

Gungahlin Al1:15 pm 31 Aug 07

What is good about releases in Molonglo is that there will finally be a choice of land to buy – people working in Woden and Tuggers won’t be forced to commute from Dunlop or Gungahlin because it was the only land they could buy to build a new house on.

Kramer: couldn’t see myself buying in either Keating or Howard. Don’t think names from the last 30 years would be a good marketing move…

Lucky we don’t have a Liberal local govt. They’d probably make the streets signs advertisements for the election. Would be fun giving directions to someone though:
“We live in Howard, just turn right at WorkChoices Avenue, then left into Costello St, then left again into Low Interst Rates Cresent and were on the right in Vote Liberal Court”

Additionally this will be a nice little revenue raiser for the Comrade. With Canberra’s already high housing costs, is land only 7km from the CBD going to be affordable? Of course not! It will be milked for all its worth. Not to mention the potential for the value of houses and land in the outer suburbs to adjust down.

“I’m excited about these new suburbs, as a South-sider I aboslutely loathe travelling to the Belconnen Region to visit my friends. It would suck if they decided to extend out further past Belconnen first.”

The feeling is mutal hk0reduck, except they just kept adding suburbs down your way in North Cooma (altho I guess they kept doing it here in Belco with Dunlop).

Hahaha Kramer….I would support that

As for the farmers, I think they will just have to deal with it. Canberra is growing fast and ACT isn’t large enough to have both city and farmland in the future. Eventually, they are just going to have to give it up.

Stanhope being the bleeding-heart leftie he is will probably call the new suburbs ‘Grassby’ or ‘Siev-X’…………

They should look into gold-farming, it’s a profession that isn’t affected by the wrath of God. They could even do it from the comfort of their brand new homes in Weston North.

I’m excited about these new suburbs, as a South-sider I aboslutely loathe travelling to the Belconnen Region to visit my friends. It would suck if they decided to extend out further past Belconnen first.

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