Applications are open for project grants aimed at helping young people stay away from crime. Photo: Katarzyna Bialasiewicz.
The Federal Government has opened applications for funding projects aimed at diverting young people away from crime.
Organisations hoping to get a slice of the $28.4 million have until 28 January to apply.
The Youth Empowerment Program will target the root causes of youth crime and anti-social behaviour by providing resources to community-based organisations working with young people aged 10 to 17.
The program is being funded from the confiscated assets of convicted criminals.
Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said the Youth Empowerment Program complements the government’s U25-GO program which supports crime prevention and drug diversion programs for youth under the age of 25 at risk of engaging with the criminal justice system.
“The Australian Government has awarded $13.5 million under the U25-GO program to Police Citizens Youth Clubs, Blue Light Organisations and other eligible organisations across Australia for community safety programs,” he said.
Eligible organisations will be able to apply for grants from $300,000 to $1 million for activities including:
- Awareness campaigns and programs to prevent criminal and anti-social behaviours
- Workforce preparation and vocational skills development
- Healthy decision making to foster positive connections with communities
- Youth justice conferencing, and
- Transition from detention support.
A grant can cover up to 100 per cent of eligible expenditure.
The business.gov.au website explains it is expected that eligible activities will be aimed at the participation of at-risk young people to reduce the incidence of low-level engagement in criminal activity and decrease recidivism rates.
“The objectives of the grant opportunity are to provide alternative pathways for young people who are at risk of being engaged in criminal and/or anti-social behaviour, [and to] enable young people at-risk to break patterns of recidivism and cyclical engagement in criminal activity; help young people at-risk to develop life skills to prevent them from becoming entrenched in the criminal justice system; and to promote inclusion, build community resilience and strengthen family support structures.”
To be eligible, projects must be completed by 31 March 2027, be located in Australia, include one or more youth engagement activities that may occur at a single or multiple locations, and have at least $300,000 in eligible expenditure.
The applicant must be an incorporated association or an incorporated not-for-profit organisation and not be currently receiving funding under the Commonwealth’s U25-GO grant program.
Additional eligibility requirements include the organisation providing a letter from its board or governing committee (or CEO if there is no board or committee) that confirms the organisation delivers, or has delivered, programs that engage young people at-risk of engaging in crime or anti-social behaviour.
Joint applications are acceptable, provided there is a lead organisation that is the main driver of the project and is eligible to apply.