John Hargreaves has good news for those Canberrans forced onto the buses by his Government’s policies (and those who just prefer public transport we grudgingly suppose). He’s “taking action” to improve the safety on ACTION buses (oh my aching sides), despite ACTION telling us there was no problem back in the dim, dark, long ago day of 24 April.
The action points (oh stop it, you’re killing me) are as follows:
· CCTV coverage in bus interchanges will be upgraded to a quality standard which will ensure security coverage of platforms and control rooms;
· Staffing in interchanges will be increased, as will supervision and communications centre resources. An interim arrangement to improve staff levels immediately is being discussed with staff and union representatives this week.
· Re-fresher training on all safety and security modules will occur for all transport officers. This training will occur in consultation with the TWU and Transport Officers and will ensure business as usual for passengers.
· Safety reporting systems will be enhanced to make it easier for staff to report less significant incidents and to allow information to be passed onto ACT Policing for targeted patrols.
· By the end of the year 76% of the ACTION fleet will be fitted with CCTV.
· The performance audit of the ACTION radio system will be completed by May 2007.
· An internal security audit and risk assessment is currently taking place within the Department of Territory and Municipal Services, of which ACTION is a part. This assessment is looking at a range of issues across the Department including lighting in interchanges.â€
More staff, more training, more CCTV and lots more investigating and reporting = “TAKES ACTION”.
There’s also an ongoing round-table, as well as discussions, and a productive dialogue.