Dry conditions meant this year’s kangaroo cull was the largest ever conducted. File photo.
More than 4000 Eastern Grey kangaroos have been killed in the ACT’s largest cull to date, according to the ACT Parks and Conservation Service.
The Service’s Acting Director, Justin Foley, said this year’s cull was the largest undertaken in the history of the program in terms of numbers and sites to be targeted due to dry conditions across Canberra Nature Parks that have taken a toll on grassy habitats across many reserves.
A total of 4035 kangaroos were culled across an unprecedented 13 sites, with an ACT Government veterinary officer conducting spot checks during the program, finding they were all killed humanely.
“Many of these sites are challenging in that they are small reserves located on the urban fringe,” Mr Foley said. “It is a credit to the professionalism of the contractors and staff from ACT Parks and Conservation Service who were able to deliver the work safely and effectively.”
The reserves that were closed on 7 May are now open: Callum Brae Nature Reserve, Crace Nature Reserve, East Jerrabomberra Grasslands, West Jerrabomberra Grasslands, Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve, Gungaderra Nature Reserve, Kama Nature Reserve, Mulanggari Grasslands, The Pinnacle Nature Reserve, Mugga Mugga Nature Reserve, Isaacs Ridge Nature Reserve, Mount Majura Nature Reserve and Mount Ainslie Nature Reserve.
The culls are conducted by professional shooters to protect grassland and woodland sites from overgrazing.
Last year 3253 roos were culled across the territory.
Advertised closures for Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve for rabbit eradication will continue through to October 2019.
Site name | Number culled |
Callum Brae Nature Reserve/ West Jerrabomberra Grasslands | 584 |
Crace Nature Reserve | 170 |
East Jerrabomberra Grasslands | 344 |
Goorooyaroo Nature Reserve | 680 |
Gungaderra Nature Reserve | 283 |
Mulanggari Grasslands | 90 |
Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve | 377 |
Mugga Mugga/ Isaacs Ridge Nature Reserve | 350 |
Mount Ainslie/ Majura Nature Reserve | 1157 |
Total | 4035 |