The bus driver said, “no rush on”, and after the first person get on the bus, (lucky me), he said sorry to the rest of the people in the queue.
This is what happened this morning, at the cornor of college street towards haydn drive, to a crowd of people waiting to get on bus 313 from belconnen to civic. This was even worse yesterday, when the bus driver didn’t even stop at all.
When I get off at civic, trying to catch bus 38, and the queue was incredibly long. Almost half of the people will not have a seat.
It is just unbelievable that for action provided such bad service to the public transport that so many people use.
The end of the story is that I was late for work almost everyday.
[Ed. if this makes no sense, Neanderthalis has been kind enough to interpret below :
Day 1:
Person went to catch bus, bus was full, person one got on bus but driver turned away rest of peasants in queue.
Day 2:
Bus was full, drove past without stopping leaving peasants wailing and gnashing teeth at the bus stop.
Person 1 changes bus in Civic to go somewhere else and it too is full. More wailing and gnashing of teeth…