7 January 2024

Most Aussies are paying too much for electricity, says new ACCC report

| Chris Johnson
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electricity meter and cash

Far too many households are paying too much for electricity, according to a new ACCC report. Photo: File.

Competition in the electricity market must improve if millions of Australians are to avoid paying too much for their household power.

That’s the view of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), which has released its latest Electricity Market Inquiry Report.

It is the ACCC’s 10 report as part of its inquiry into the prices, profits and margins in the supply of electricity in the National Electricity Market.

And it has found that 79 per cent of Aussie households are on higher-priced electricity plans than they need to be.

For the first time in its ongoing electricity inquiry, the ACCC collected new information from retailers to understand how they are changing prices for their existing customers.

The analysis draws on that dataset to assess pricing outcomes for existing customers, and how those charges compare with the default offer prices and new-acquisition offers in the market.

“Electricity retailers offer cheaper plans to attract new customers but over time we observe these plans becoming relatively more expensive, so many loyal customers will be paying more than they need to be,” ACCC Commissioner Anna Brakey said.

“Prices for new customers tend to be competitive, but we are concerned that the market is not delivering for customers who do not regularly switch from or engage with their existing retailer.”

The ACCC has concluded that far too many Australian households are on a more expensive electricity plan than they need to be, and changes are needed to improve competition in the electricity market and deliver better outcomes for consumers.

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It collected the prices of flat-rate market offers for more than five million residential customers and compared them with prices available to new customers and the prices of government-set default offers.

Flat-rate, rather than time-of-use or demand, is the tariff type that most households are on.

The report also shows that the estimated cost for residential customers on market offers (flat rate) increased by significantly more than the default offers.

“Almost half of all households on flat-rate market offers were paying equal to or more than the default offer, which was intended to be a reference price and safety net to protect disengaged consumers from unreasonably high prices,” Ms Brakey said.

“For most customers there are plans currently in the market that are cheaper than the default offer.

“We strongly encourage consumers to use the government energy price comparison sites to find a cheaper deal, but we’re also recommending that policy makers identify and address the barriers that are preventing many people from changing electricity plans and accessing cheaper market offers.”

The ACCC is encouraging energy consumers to actively seek out better and cheaper deals.

Its report makes four recommendations:

  • Policy makers should investigate how best to reduce the number of customers on legacy plans with large conditional discounts, as a matter of priority.
  • The next review of the Electricity Retail Code to be undertaken by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water should focus on consumer disengagement, the increasing complexity of retail tariff structures, and interactions with other reforms.
  • The government should investigate, in consultation with the ASX and market participants, whether there are ways to support new hedging products being listed on the ASX in a timelier manner.
  • Governments can increase liquidity in the contract market during the energy transition by making more contracts available from government-supported renewable energy and storage projects.

“As Australia transitions to predominantly sourcing electricity from renewable energy generation in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the National Electricity Market will need to continue to evolve …” the report states.

“Effective competition in the retail market is in the long-term interests of consumers, as it puts downward pressure on retail prices and encourages a greater variety of products and services.

“Given smaller, newer retailers play an important role in driving competition in the market, it is crucial that barriers for retailers entering the market, and existing retailers expanding their customer base, are not too high as the energy transition unfolds.”

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William Newby10:11 pm 09 Jan 24

Wash your mouth out, Albo promised us all at the last election that “Labor will bring down household power bills by $275 a year“.
I have every faith in the man, he has a plan and he is a man of his word, never once has he made a single step backwards on his word.
He is destroying all our base-load coal power stations in preparation to build a new power plant that will run on unicorn tears and save the village, you will see.

@William Newby
While I don’t expect the government will be able to deliver on its election promise, at least quote the promise in full, William.
What Albanese actually said was Labor’s powering Australia policy would see “electricity prices fall from the current level by $275 for household[s] by 2025, at the end of our first term, if we are successful”.
I’ve consulted several sources and I can confirm it is not yet 2025.

Ground breaking research from the ACCC…. good to see someone is still alive there however.

Privatisation of the electricity market, especially retail (which is all effectively fake competition anyway) is yet to be shown to have really benefitted customers.

Substantial simplification of offerings in the retail electricity market would help a lot. Most companies have a gazillion different plans, many very hard to differentiate between for customers. It takes a lot of effort to compare (the comparison website sucks) and even then, you are never, ever confident that you have the best deal.

A limit on the number of plans a company can offer for each type of meter would be a decent start. As would mandatory requirements in all states for companies to clearly notify customers that they may have better offerings than the plan they are on (some states already do this).

Or else just blow the whole system up and start again.

The entire market of essential supplies, such as electricity, gas and water is just fictional. All suppliers use the same delivery medium (cables, pipes) and deliver the same ressource from the same plants. The entire market idea allowa investors to speculate on how to make most profit by guessing when the ressource is in demand or over supply. Ideally some of the winnings through this should be forwarded to the consumer. But why do that when you can push it to the shareholders or all kinds of stupid sponsorships?

The ACCC actually woke up from its slumber. Careful now, only two more announcements left for the year. Anything more will bring on an early onset of hibernation

Shocking. It’s only going to get worse with a single source of energy.

ChrisinTurner2:03 pm 07 Jan 24

The electricity company’s plan system is designed to maximise their profits by requiring customers to contact their supplier each year to negotiate a new plan. Failure to contact them puts you back on the default or most expensive plan. Contacting them can mean waiting on hold for more than a hour.

I hate electricity companies as much as the next person, but this is not really true. Whatever discounts you have on any given plan can be time limited, but they can’t change your plan without at least informing you they are doing so. For the overwhelming majority of cases, people simply stay on the play they are on, without the discounts being applied when whatever benefit period is up.

Thanks ACCC. How about you do something about all the embedded networks where you are actually trapped with one provider, one plan and no competition or oversight.

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