When you get an email at 10pm from Chic Henry holding forth on euthanasia and public housing the mind fairly boggles.
But it appears the two are unrelated.
Firstly Chic wants higher standards for and from public housing tenants:
The policy of the Motorist Party will be to improve the standards of properties within the ACT Housing Trust portfolio to the highest in the country by not only ensuring property standards are improved and maintained but also that ACT Housing tenants meet community and tenancy agreement standards. Mutual accountability will form the basis of a new approach to management of Housing Trust properties.
The Motorist Party will implement a quick response, affirmative action plan such as a five man team, utilising the existing ACT Sheriff Service, working in conjunction with the Australian Federal Police to deal with and evict disruptive and law breaking tenants. The intention of this policy is to legally enforce action against the 1% of problem tenants, who cause issues with and for the 99% of tenants who assimilate well and do the right thing by each other.
We hope in no way related is a policy for a euthanasia centre in the ACT:
The Motorist Party believes voluntary euthanasia would be well accepted by many in the Canberra community. It should be the right of any individual to have their life ended humanely so they can pass with their dignity intact and remove months or years of hopeless suffering when reaching the desperation point of a terminal illness.
The Motorist Party proposes a team of four medical specialists to make a decision based on only the wishes of the patient themselves and not to be influenced by family or friends. The necessary facts of having the patient’s affairs in order would be taken into account. The wishes of the patient would be respected and considered first and foremost, unless that person is deemed, by the medical examiners, to be not of sound mind and incapable of making decisions for themselves. If that was the case, the family must be consulted and would assist in making the decision.
The Motorist Party would also like to see a euthanasia centre established, this sounds a little macabre but when hospices first came about we thought the same and now they are a very accepted and highly valued part of our society. Such a centre would be a place where family and friends can come together to celebrate the life of their loved one and say their final goodbyes in privacy. The patient would then pass in comfort in the hands of medical specialists.