Some time in the last fortnight the traffic lights on Mouat Street (turning left into Ginniderra Drive) have been removed and a pedestrian crossing laid down in their place.
I should have taken a photo – but wanted to post before someone is killed.
I cycle this way most days and have always considered it to be the most dangerous part of my ride.
I have witnessed drivers completely ignore the red lights – presumably because the vast majority of traffic is already doing 80kmh by the time they reach that spot.
If they couldn’t see the traffic lights then they’ve got no chance of seeing the pedestrian crossing, especially as there is no signage/warning of the change!!
This is NOT a cyclist/pedestrian vs. driver rant – the fact is a pedestrian crossing is simply not appropriate for the conditions and someone will most definitely be killed if they don’t do something about this very soon.
I’ve submitted an online request as why this decision was made.