One single super awesome and presumably amazingly good looking donor just donated $1 million to the ANU to improve language studies there.
So is our donor a believer in shared language breaking down the barriers between race and has given this money as part of a goal to bring people together and end all war, or did they see a particularly sad student one night upset that the one obscure language they wanted to learn was not available at the ANU and decide to do something about it.
Maybe they don’t speak English very well, and figure they can help the rest of Australia understand them!
So many theories!
These endowments will provide financial assistance to students studying the language, support teaching and research by academics in the humanities and social sciences and provide funds for additional casual teaching and academic staff.
“The teaching of languages is so important and as Australia’s national university we have a responsibility to uphold areas of national significance,” says Professor Young.
“This anonymous donation will help us do that, and I thank the donor on behalf of the entire University community for this gift and the impact it will have.”
Professor the Honourable Gareth Evans AC QC, ANU Chancellor, highlighted the philanthropic culture developing at ANU.
“This year has been a watershed year for philanthropy at ANU,” he said.
“This year alone, the ANU Endowment for Excellence has received 1,800 gifts from 1,048 donors and a total exceeding $11 million in funds raised. The trajectory of donations is up and a strong and promising culture of philanthropy at ANU is emerging.”
[Image from ANU News]