I live in Gilmore on Canberra’s South and ride a big shiny motorbike to work. This morning as I turned right into the roundabout from Heagney into Hambridge I saw an Action bus approaching the roundabout from my left at a significant speed.
It was obvious he was carrying too much speed to stop and give way. So I emergency stopped in the roundabout about 1 metre shy of the buses trajectory. This wasn’t too difficult because I was already slowing for the tight roundabout.
The bus driver saw me just as I was stopping and attempted to wash off speed. I’m not sure why he bothered since the impact would still have been like breaching a flyscreen with a police battering ram.
Surprisingly, when he travelled directly past me he managed to turn a full 90 degrees and make wild gesticulating apologies with both hands in the air together…
Here are just a few things to remember if you ride:
- Non riders often only see objects the same size as themselves or larger
- Be extra vigilant when the driver is looking beyond you into the sun
- Understand where a driver’s blind spots are and avoid them
- Give vehicles in front and behind enough space for emergency stopping – it doesn’t matter how quick you can brake
- Be predictable and don’t trust public bus drivers – or anyone else – with your life
Safe travels.