Dear humans, space-hamsters, elves, sentient gelatinous life-forms, and hyper-intelligent fish,
It’s all for you, like Brian Adams said.
Nerd Trivia is a trivia night for people who know more about 80’s action movies, Star Trek, Discworld, and maths than they do about how many crickets were touched-down at the last hockey-bowl-brawl.
It’s for people who are sick of answering questions about Australian Prime Ministers and famous Melbourne Cup winners and want to answer questions about dinosaurs and Street Fighter 2.
It’s also for people who don’t want or like those things but just want to have some fun, because INCLUSION IS A GOOD THING.
So it’s for all of you.
It is also at The Phoenix Bar this Tuesday the 30th.
It starts at 7.30, but the place starts to fill up about 6ish so get there early.
You win one internet point if you can tell me who the guy I’m stupidly excited to be taking a photo with is.