17 February 2007

New Labor Club targeting students

| Kerces
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Perusing the latest issue of BMA, I noticed a great big ad for the new Labor Club in Civic.

They recently opened up in Petrie plaza where the Angus and Robertson bookshop used to be and their old building next to the ANU campus still sits unused and abandoned like the newly single’s granny pants.

Their ad proclaims $2 schooners and $3 spirits for two hours every night plus a bargain pizza and beer deal and promises it’s the place to see “latest movie clips and more”.

They’re calling themselves the “new affordable, safe & comfortable place to hang out with friends in the City”.

Trying to relive their glory days as a student dive much? I suspect it won’t work as well as they hope since crossing Northbourne makes it too far away from campus, particularly once you factor in that most of the residences are on the far, far side of ANU (and have their own bars).

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I prefer to hang out at The City Club anyway, the prices are alot more reasonable and it isnt based on the Coffee Lounge decor. The City Labor Club only copies what The City Club is doing anyway, cheap schnitzels, gaming, bar promos. Come on guys come up with your own ideas!

I love walking past in the morning and see all the old alchos having a morning heart-start. LOL, the joy and pride of the ALP!!!

As I recall the beer wasn’t particularly cheap (closer to pub prices than club prices) although it is the only club in Civic to have Coopers on tap (but the Turner Bowls club isn’t that far away, and is much cheaper).

And it wasn’t the security that I objected to… granted I’ve only been there twice, but the management and staff didn’t seem to be having a particularly busy night, and were spending it giving the few curious customers that arrived a hard time.

The RSL – despite its back-alley location, at least has pool, and staff have always been friendly and helpful there in my experience.

Deadmandrinking4:38 pm 19 Feb 07

Labor club security are usually hostile, Meconium. I guess a couple of overweight douchebags who think their dick has grown an inch from it’s half due to the shiny little patches on their shoulders are a small price to pay for cheap beer. In Belconnen, hwoever, I objected to the carpet and it’s weird design making me sick. I hope they’ve changed this at the Civic one.

I agree with Meconium, inane.

As a former member of two military forces, you can tell when you are in the city when you see the big yellow M. Foolproof, and works even when paryletic.

On the topic of softies, lyrics of a song I heard on the way to work this morning (and my new mantra):

When the egg falls on the rock, pity the egg.
When the rock falls on the egg, pity the egg.

What an inane discussion.

Here’s my opinion on the Labor Club. I kept an eye on the place and visited it as soon as it opened. Anywhere that has Coopers on tap (Pale here), especially at Club prices, is automatically a friend of mine. However, I went a few times and found the staff members, on the door at least, to be extremely hostile – sizing me up and giving me a hard time whenever my friends and I tried to enter. The bar staff etc were fine, but the fact that I felt really unwelcome in this club was enough to keep me away, frequenting rival, familiar haunts such as the City Club instead.

The Transit Bar is the place to be in Civic at the moment. Live gigs, a good vibe, fine ales on tap (Little Creatures is a worthy substitute for Coopers Pale) and well-kept pool tables. The Labor Club didn’t have pool tables last time I checked. Don’t bother.

captainwhorebags7:00 pm 18 Feb 07

“but you suggest an overseas student after a couple of coldies, should be right to get through Civic, around building sites and then navigate the labyrinth that is the ANU……umm OK”

Um, ever seen pictures of Bangkok? Seoul? Singapore? I’m sure these overseas students are far more adept at negotiating a city than the locals are. In fact the only danger is that they’ll think that they’re in the wrong spot because the place is too bloody quiet.

My point precisely 😉

auntiesocial3:14 pm 18 Feb 07

Fair enough…………

Walk and have 10 would be the option I would take..

Both those are phrases of exasperation, rather than any real emotion, at the apparent lack of pedestrian skills of our local students. If I get emotional you’ll know it

You can catch a taxi and have 2 beers or walk and have 10….which would you take?

auntiesocial2:42 pm 18 Feb 07

You are correct vg, civic would not be a maze for an overseas visitor, no more than a quick stroll around Nara (JP) would be for you.

No emotions but 2 FFS in one post and one “god help me”

Sounds like you need to walk down to civic Labor Club for a cheap, crisp, clean, cold beer.


“but you suggest an overseas student after a couple of coldies, should be right to get through Civic, around building sites and then navigate the labyrinth that is the ANU……umm OK”

If they could walk there I’m sure its not beyond them to walk home. Would you like someone to hold their hand? I stand by the soft remark. If you can’t be arsed to walk the entire 20 mins it takes to get from one side of the ANU to the centre of Civic for a cheap beer then you are soft, very soft.

It’s Civic we’re talking about here, not a maze. God help me!

No emotions, just shock at what students have become. Its an extra 2 mins past Mooseheads FFS. Students don’t have trouble walking there do they?

auntiesocial1:27 pm 18 Feb 07

Asian and Middle East Students come from a variety of backgrounds, drinking and non drinking, which was not my point. Finding Civic was not an issue either.

It was the “very, very soft, poor little petals” comment that made me want to comment.

After talking with a lot of students about their life at home “very, very soft, poor little petals” just doesn’t seem to fit.
Most are not strangers to walking long distances, or beggars, or violence, or a’holes.

Most CANBERRA people cannot find their way around the ANU, but you suggest an overseas student after a couple of coldies, should be right to get through Civic, around building sites and then navigate the labyrinth that is the ANU……umm OK.

I am sure you are too busy at work to post……your emotions don’t follow you home?

Yes, Civic is terribly hard to find. I’m guessing the students from Asia and the middle East may have religious backgrounds that don’t involve them drinking but to say that Civic is too far from the ANU is ridiculous.

And I don’t post when I’m at work, too busy

auntiesocial12:21 pm 18 Feb 07


If Civic is ‘too far away’ from one side of the ANU Campus then students, and the yoof of today, are very, very soft. Poor little petals

Comment by vg — 18 February, 2007 @ 9:32 am

A lot of the ANU students are from interstate or overseas, with little knowledge of Canberra.

Some of the backgrounds of the students from Asia and the Middle East may suggest they are a little more than “poor little petals” VG

The Junkies that hang around the area begging (Police problem) would be a good reason not to suggest to any overseas/interstate students that they bypass all the other good bars to get to the Labor Club.

Bad shift VG?

Why walk past perfectly good bars to go the Labor Club?

(if not for the cheap beer and the cheap food)

If Civic is ‘too far away’ from one side of the ANU Campus then students, and the yoof of today, are very, very soft. Poor little petals

Vic Bitterman11:22 pm 17 Feb 07

Thanks for the info Kerces!

Whilst my student days are well over a decade behind me, knowing another potentially nice cheap place to duck into for a cold beer on my trips into civic never goes astray!

Seems to draw a decent (public service) crowd for lunches Mon-Fri.

is it tiny – the bookshop wasn’t that big?

Deadmandrinking5:11 pm 17 Feb 07

about the belco one, that was – the civic one will find it harder to get the same kind of customers.

Deadmandrinking5:10 pm 17 Feb 07

It’s a good place if your stuck in belco after 2am and can pass the prying eyes of security.

Absent Diane4:33 pm 17 Feb 07

I went there a couple of months ago… the tap beer tasted great… really cold and crisp. The food looked really quality and from all acounts it was.

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